


NBASW Feedback for Child and Youth Advocate's Review of Policy 713

Earlier this year, the Government of New Brunswick's Department of Education and Early Childhood Development issued a review of Policy 713, a Policy originally implemented in 2020 to set minimum...

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NBASW Urges Government to Recall Decision to Review Policy 713

The New Brunswick Association of Social Workers (NBASW) echoes the concerns of the New Brunswick Child and Youth Advocate and the New Brunswick Human Rights Commission regarding the Government of...

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New Brunswick Association of Social Workers announces Recruitment and Retention Strategy

The New Brunswick Association of Social Workers (NBASW) is pleased to announce the release of a five-year recruitment and retention strategy to address the social worker shortage in the province.

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Social Work Month 2023

The NBASW is pleased to announce the 2023 Social Work Month theme: Social Workers are Essential in Navigating Complex Systems, an extension of last year's theme, Social Work is Essential.

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Discipline Committee Decisions

In New Brunswick, anyone representing themselves or practicing as a social worker or registered social worker (RSW) must be registered with the New Brunswick Association of Social Workers (NBASW).Everyone receiving...

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Social Work Month 2022

The NBASW is pleased to announce the 2022 Social Work Month theme is Social Work is Essential - In Critical Demand, an extension of last year's theme, Social Work is Essential.

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